Sept 21, 2015 International Day of Peace Celebration at Lyceum University Cavite, Philippines

Sept 21, 2015 International Day of Peace Celebration at Lyceum University Cavite, Philippines
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan, Sailing for Peace #PeaceDay


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

World Peace: Opinion: Yalla Peace: Arabs failed to get ... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Yalla Peace: Arabs failed to get ... JPost - Opinion - Columnists: "Arab leaders, activists continue speaking Arabic instead of communicating in English, the only language the West wants to hear.

Since 1948, the Arabs have lost more than five wars with Israel. But while these failures have fed anger against and hatred for the Jewish state, the Arabs lost the real battle long ago. I refer to the battle for audience – something the Jews recognized from the start.

Audience is the key to communications. It is not what you say, but how you say it. The goal of a successful debater is not simply to win the argument, but to win over the audience first. Perception is reality, and the Arabs have never bothered to understand this simple concept."