Sept 21, 2015 International Day of Peace Celebration at Lyceum University Cavite, Philippines

Sept 21, 2015 International Day of Peace Celebration at Lyceum University Cavite, Philippines
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan, Sailing for Peace #PeaceDay


Thursday, April 28, 2011

LIBYA: Arab Spring: Update On The Middle East | Live | Fashion. Music. Lifestyle

Arab Spring: Update On The Middle East | Live | Fashion. Music. Lifestyle: "LIBYA
The uprising in Libya became violent instantly when the Libyan government reacted harshly towards peaceful protests. On February 18, three days after the protests began, the country erupted into armed conflict when protesters executed policemen and men loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi for their savage killing of protesters. Gaddafi has been in power since 1969, making him the longest-serving ruler in Africa and the Middle East. Throughout the recent protests, Gaddafi continues to hold onto power. According to Al Jazeera, “critics dismissed his leadership as a military dictatorship, accusing him of repressing civil society and ruthlessly crushing dissident.” The move to attack civilians has cost Gaddafi many of his close advisors and military, including public rebuking from the U.S. and other countries, and Reuters reports soldiers are defecting to support protesters because they refuse to shoot their own people."