Sept 21, 2015 International Day of Peace Celebration at Lyceum University Cavite, Philippines

Sept 21, 2015 International Day of Peace Celebration at Lyceum University Cavite, Philippines
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan, Sailing for Peace #PeaceDay


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Peace means children will not know the feeling of having five seconds to run to bomb shelter &/or not worry about suicide bomber on a bus...

"In recent years, the Palestinian economy has prospered in the West Bank. Undeniably, increased cooperation between Palestinians and the Israeli and American governments is important. Moreover, other foreign investors and governments have also begun to heavily invest in the West Bank. These investments have benefited both Palestinians and Israelis and are part of the infrastructure of a future Palestinian state. Prime Minister Salam Fayyad should be praised for his economic reform efforts within the Palestinian Authority.

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians would mean greater prosperity for both. Peace would mean easier access between the two nations, resulting in a situation where a person could live in Ramallah and work in Jerusalem. Peace would allow collaboration in major industries such as tourism, high tech, and agriculture. Researchers from the Peres Center for Peace in Israel have concluded that greater economic cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority could yield an increase in Palestinian GDP by $8 billion in five to ten years. "

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