Sept 21, 2015 International Day of Peace Celebration at Lyceum University Cavite, Philippines

Sept 21, 2015 International Day of Peace Celebration at Lyceum University Cavite, Philippines
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan, Sailing for Peace #PeaceDay


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mid-East Peace Talks: John Kerry deserves great credit for his Mideast initiative. When Secretary of State John Kerry first waded into the muddy waters of Middle East peace, he was ridiculed and ignored. After his third trip to the region, he was called “ham-handed” and “naive.” After his fifth trip, he was accused of “Don Quixote” diplomacy. But now talks between Israelis and Palestinians are finally resuming after years of stalemate. Kerry’s quiet, dogged efforts are being celebrated. He deserves credit for sheer determination in the face of so many naysayers and skeptics....- Editorials - The Boston Globe

John Kerry deserves great credit for his Mideast initiative - Editorials - The Boston Globe: "Of course there is no guarantee that talks will actually lead anywhere. Kerry has a long road ahead if he wants a place in history as the statesman who solved this intractable problem. But Kerry has breathed new life into process that nearly everyone had abandoned." CLINK TO READ ARTICLE

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